Ijara xonadonlar o'rganilmoqda
November 06, 2023 / Seen 989
The rental apartments of the students of SamDU Urgut branch are being systematically studied by the officials...
During the study of the next rental apartments organized today, the first deputy director of youth affairs and spiritual-educational affairs, Zikrillo Yazdonov, was responsible for ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment among students. Director's adviser Sanjar Eshonkulov, branch women's advisory board chairman Gullola Najmiyeva, prevention inspector, senior lieutenant Shahboz Murodullayev, and tutors took part in getting to know students' rental apartments, observing fire safety rules in apartments, preventing carbon monoxide poisoning and The state of preparation for the autumn-winter season was reviewed. In addition, special attention was paid to the conditions created by the owners of the apartments for the students, and recommendations were made to observe the rules of etiquette, hygiene and safety.
SamDU Urgut filiali
Axborot xizmati