November 25, 2023 / Seen 1075
SamSU Urgut branch organized a spiritual-educational meeting with students and youth on the topics "Enlightenment against ignorance", "Young people look at extremism"...
The meeting was opened by Zikrillo Yazdonov, the first deputy director for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs.
At the meeting, Sanjar Eshonkulov, the director's advisor responsible for ensuring the stability of the social and spiritual environment among the students of the branch, Javlon Haydarov, the chief expert of the Urgut District Committee on Religious Affairs, and the head of the Anti-Terrorism Department of the Urgut District Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications were present. Nodirjon Safarov and employees of Urgut district DXX department took part.
It is important to educate the young generation in the spirit of loyalty to the Motherland and to warn and protect young people from negative evils such as terrorism, extremism, radicalism. it was noted that he has It is easy for psychoactive substances to have a psychotropic effect on a person, which is one of the simplest options for influencing the human psyche for selfish and criminal purposes, and microdoses of drugs also have a significant effect on the mind and lead to states of obedience, depression and aggression. concepts were given in a broad sense.
After the meeting, the documentary video film "Mehr-5" was shown.
SamDU Urgut filiali
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