Note to applicants;
The applicant must register the relevant documents in the prescribed manner, check and verify through the account that the information corresponding to the registered documents is entered correctly in the database of applicants. Upon completion of the registration process, the applicant's appeals (complaints) will not be considered and no changes will be made to the database of applicants. Within two weeks after the deadline for registration of documents, the applicant will receive a permit from the official website of the State Testing Center.Applicant will take the test on the date, time and in the building specified in his permit. Test assignments are designed in accordance with the curricula of general secondary and secondary special, general education subjects of vocational education. You will be given 1 hour for every 30 test items to complete the test (including the answer sheet). Each test task is given with alternative answers. Applicants must arrive at the building on the day of the test before 07:00 (second shift at 14:00) only with their permission and passport. The applicant will be checked by means of identification devices (video recording devices and special fingerprint devices) and will be admitted to the building in an orderly manner after identification. If the identity of the applicant is not confirmed (does not correspond to the information in the database of applicants), the supervisor in charge, together with a police officer, draws up an act of expulsion of the applicant from the test and does not allow him to enter the building. Upon entering the building, the entrant, who is in his place in the group, is obliged to do the following in the first shift from 07:45 to 08:00, in the second shift from 14:45 to 15:00: check the book of test assignments for defects and immediately notify the group supervisor if any defects are found; copy the number of the test book with the last name, first name and patronymic on the answer sheet and fill in the appropriate circles; ensure that the answer sheet, which is the main document determining the level of knowledge, is filled in correctly; write and sign the last name, first name, patronymic in the appropriate place on the cover of the test book and on the answer sheet. The applicant is personally responsible for the following during the testing process is: do not fold the answer sheet, do not write on the marker line, answers do not touch the pen to the parts corresponding to the number of the test book on the sheet, except for the part of marking the answers; fill in the answers on the answer sheet with an air-colored paste ballpoint pen at the specified time; submit the relevant test book and answer sheet to the group supervisor at the end of the allotted time. The applicant fills in one of the numbered circles in the appropriate order on the answer sheet for the answers that are considered correct in the test book (the answers marked on the answer sheet cannot be changed). If the “Sample for Marking” rule on the answer sheet is not followed, a test item will not be graded if two or more circles are painted on the answer sheet, or if no circles are painted, or if no circles are painted at all. Applicants are not allowed to leave the group during the test, and those who leave will not be allowed to retake the test. As an exception, without test materials due to ill health, except in cases of leaving the group under the supervision of a group supervisor. Applicants who leave the group will not be given extra time. The following cases are grounds for exclusion of the applicant from the testing process and non-issuance of test results: all kinds of communication tools, computer, telecommunication tools, photographic tools, plastic card, bag, watch, dictionary, table, book, crib, colored glasses, pencil, pen, calculator, ruler, key, all kinds jewelry, etc. (in next places referred to as prohibited means) if he tries to bring it into the test area or at the entrance to the building, has entered it or uses it during the test; transmits or assists test materials to another applicant; talk to each other during test process; test assignments book if testing materials are taken out of the building tear the leaf; test materials at the end of the time allotted for the test runs refuses to submit. Applicants have the following rights:they can use test assignment book during the test process as a draft, complete test assignments ahead of schedule, and then hand over the test materials to the group supervisor in an orderly manner and leave the test site. Examination of video recordings made during the test after the test reveals that the applicant did not follow the rules and regulations of the test, in particular, if the above-mentioned circumstances are identified, these circumstances will be basis for his non-issuance of test results, expulsion from the ranks of students and liability in the prescribed manner.