Press Secretary
Murotkulov Shahboz Bobur ugli
- Reception days: Every day from 9:00 to 16:00
- Phone number: +99888 894 72 78
- Email:
Functions of the press secretary
- Participation in the formation and implementation of information policy established by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education and the university administration in accordance with modern requirements;
- informing the general public about the activities of the branch, its normative and legal documents objectively, qualitatively and promptly;
- interaction with the mass media, the formation of a circle of journalists working in constant cooperation, the distribution of information messages (information for the press, newsletters, etc.), the organization of mass events;
- preparation of news, information materials, reviews and information-analytical materials for distribution in national and foreign media together with other departments of the Branchy;
- Formation and maintenance of databases of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the branch's activities.