

Direktor va yoshlar uchrashuvi

December 20, 2023 / Seen 1092

"Director and youth meeting" was organized at SamSU Urgut branch...

The meeting was attended by branch director Kuvondik Yarashev, deputy directors, director's advisors, heads of departments, deans, professors and teachers and students. Branch director Kuvondik Yarashev opened the meeting in an open and sincere spirit with an introduction and talked about the facilities and conditions created for students in the branch, as well as future plans to be implemented. During the meeting, the students received detailed answers to the questions they were interested in from the director and relevant staff. It was also informed that the director of the branch will always support the initiatives and aspirations of the students, as well as the continuation of high-quality education, support for orphans and students in need of social protection

SamDU Urgut filiali

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