Korrupsiya —taraqqiyot kushandasi
December 06, 2023 / Seen 834
In the Urgut branch of SamSU, within the framework of the "Month of Legal Literacy and Culture", a promotion event was held on the topic "Corruption - development club" on the occasion of December 9 - "International Anti-Corruption Day"...
The management of SamSU Urgut branch, Urgut district deputy prosecutor Ravshan Bahriddinov, employees of Urgut district DXX, branch professors and students took part in the event.
The event was opened by Kuvondik Yarashev, director of SamSU Urgut branch, with an introduction. The speakers at the event gave detailed information about the fact that corruption is a terrible evil that torments the society in various ways, that this evil undermines the foundations of democracy and the rule of law, and leads to the violation of human rights. Students got answers to their questions. At the end of the event, a video showing the negative consequences of corrupt actions was shown.